Whenever you decide to begin ACT prep, the best start to any program is with a diagnostic test that will reveal what concepts, rules, and strategies will give you the most effective tools for score improvement. We offer diagnostic tests for just this purpose. The setting and timing will be similar to the actual test environment. To schedule a test, email us at Or call us at 817-912-1551. The test takes approximately 3 hours to complete and can be completed anytime during our business hours.
Following the ACT diagnostic test, we will set up a time with you for a 30-minute consultation to review the questions missed on the ACT and develop a plan for test prep for your upcoming ACT.
Whether you’ve decided to prepare with a book or a tutoring class, take into account study preferences, score goals, and resources when deciding on a starting point. A good general starting point for prep is approximately three months before your test date. This plan provides time to review the tested content and learn strategies for all the question types covered by the ACT. If a more significant gap exists between your current score and your goal score, a time frame of 6 months may be appropriate.
If you are interested in a virtual session, please email us at, and we can register you!