College Pathway Complete Program
College is in your future but where do you start? Are college searches, standardized test prep, and the admissions process producing more questions than answers? Our College Pathway Complete Program has you covered from start to finish, guiding you each step of the way. Start with college searches to find the dream school, match schools, and safety schools. Discover what majors will be the right fit. Create an all-important schedule of dates and deadlines to stay current. Next, move on to standardized test prep! Not sure which test is a better fit for you, the ACT or the SAT? We can guide you with that decision. Then, prepare for the necessary standardized testing with our college test prep. Lastly, it’s time for college applications, essays, personal statements, and FAFSA. Our final component of the College Pathway Complete Program will tackle these with the student! We will work through all components of finding the right school, preparing the student for the standardized testing, and completing necessary college applications.
Our program is set up with 3 areas of focus, beginning with:
- The creation of a personalized and accurate profile developed through measures of aptitude. This will help to uncover a student’s natural talent and align them with programs and careers. The profile can broaden the student’s vision of possibilities for a future career.
- The creation of an account and profile to explore college majors that fit the student’s interests, the student’s self-reported abilities, and/ or values. These results can help explore career options, personalize focus, and plan for the future. This profile will help identify personally relevant occupational and educational options. Along with this, standardized scores for all tests will be in one place.
- Discover the right fit between two important standardized tests. The student will take part in our ACT vs SAT presentation outlining how each test is different,
- Develop a list of 8 – 10 schools including the dream school, match schools, and safety schools
- Create accounts on appropriate college admission and application websites. Sign up for important newsletters to stay current on and dates and events for each campus.
- Create a schedule to keep on top of all important dates and deadlines.
- Current course recommendations if needed.
Once the core process is completed, move onto the test preparation:
- Customized test prep counseling to zero in on the strengths and weaknesses of the student, creating a tailored plan to meet his/her individual needs and goals.
- Create a customized report of the needed standardized test scores for applying to 8 colleges. Create the necessary steps and goals to work towards these test score requirements.
- 2 full-length practice tests. The diagnostic tests are scored and analyzed to provide each student with an individualized assessment of their performance, as well as recommendations on which test is most appropriate for their abilities. This preliminary evaluation ensures the best use of time and resources.
- Customized diagnostic test result report showing the outcome of the test along with an analysis of the results.
- Two 1:1 review sessions will be used to discuss what strategies and adjustments can be made to further improve test results.
- 8 weekly review and practice sessions designed to review the concepts covered in each test section. Each lesson will provide a thorough foundation of the concept through guided practice and test questions. The sessions allow the student to see what type of questions are asked on the test, as well as what formatting to expect on the test.
- Students will practice what they’ve learned through an additional 60-minutes of email instruction, homework, and assignments during the week
- Inclusion in the Cram Session before the test they are signed up to take it. In these sessions, tutors present additional concepts and testing strategies for the types of questions that will be on the different sections of the standardized test. Practice is truly the key to success in a cram session! The cram session will provide an additional 8 hours of structured prep!
After the test preparation, it’s time to complete the college applications, essays, and FAFSA with:
- Determine appropriate college applications for the student’s dream school, match schools, and safety schools.
- Develop personalized application strategies and timing for each application.
- Create a list of relevant activities to highlight the student’s accomplishments for admissions, references, scholarships, and admission interviews.
- Create a resume to include student strengths, interests, hobbies, extracurricular activities, awards, and achievements.
- Create a personal statement addressing what kind of student is applying, what they would bring to a college, what their strengths are, and what they have accomplished. This is one of the application components in which students have the most control and the best opportunity to let the university get to know a little more about them.
- Receive guidance to answering all sections, questions, and prompts to complete applications for up to 7 colleges; including ApplyTexas, CommonApp, individual college applications, and others.
- Learn the best ways and timing to solicit amazing teacher recommendations
- Provide guidance, coaching, and editing assistance on short answer questions for each application.
- Essay-writing assistance for each college application, up to 7 applications:
- Brainstorming potential topics
- Editing grammar for essay and short answers
- Ensuring that the student’s voice and writing style are consistent in the essay
- Provide guidance on structure and editing.
- Ensure proper structure for each essay is used
- Coaching through multiple revisions and essay drafts
- Complete review of online application before final submission to check for any errors or missing items.
- FAFSA is a requirement for many scholarships and state or campus financial aid programs. A presentation and discussion of this important topic is included.