The College Application Process. Step One. FREE EVENT (Wednesday, May 15th, 6:00 p.m.)


The College Application Process. Step One
Wednesday, May 15th, 6:00pm
What can your student be doing now and this summer to build their college application?



Expiry Date: May 16, 2024


Unlock your pathway to academic success with our College Application Process. Step One. Workshop – a dynamic program designed to guide students in strategically building a compelling college application. This workshop empowers participants to make the most of their summer by engaging in activities that enhance their application profile.

**What’s Included:**

**Outline for Building Your College Application During the Summer:**

1. **Setting Summer Goals:**
– Reflect on your academic and personal goals to set clear objectives for the summer.

2. **Exploring Extracurricular Opportunities:**
– Learn how to identify and engage in extracurricular activities that align with your interests and demonstrate your commitment and leadership.

3. **Skill Development Workshops:**
– Participate in workshops focused on developing essential skills, such as effective communication, leadership, and time management.

4. **Community Involvement Planning:**
– Understand the value of community involvement and create a plan to contribute meaningfully through volunteering, internships, or local projects.

5. **Strategic Reading and Learning:**
– Explore strategies for leveraging the summer for intellectual growth, whether through reading lists, online courses, or independent projects.

The College Ready Summer Workshop is your guide to a purposeful and impactful summer, setting the foundation for a standout college application. Seize the opportunity to make your summer count!

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